Eucerin AtopiControl Acute Care Cream

Eucerin AtopiControl Acute Care Cream

كريم العناية الحادة بالبشرة من Eucerin يكسر الدائرة الفيسيوزية للاحمرار الحكة مع العناية المهدئة. تساعد خصائص العناية بالبشرة في تقليل استخدام الهيدروكورتيزون أثناء الاندفاعات الحكة. تظهر دراسة سريرية تأثيرًا تجميليًا مقارنًا لخصائص العناية بالبشرة لكريم AtopiControl Acute Care Cream بتأثيرات كريم الهيدروكورتيزون 1% على بشرة الإكزيما. لا يعد كريم AtopiControl Acute Care Cream منتجًا دوائيًا ولا يهدف إلى استبداله

يُطبق عند الحاجة على المناطق المتضررة للعناية والتهدئة والتلطيف بشكل مكثف. كريم Eucerin AtopiControl Acute Care هو مركب فريد يتضمن الأحماض الدهنية أوميجا-6 المجددة (زيت نبات الرغوة المسائي وزيت بذور العنب)، ومادة التهدئة Licochalcone A (مستخلص من جذور الليكوريس)، والمادة المضادة للبكتيريا Decandiol و Menthoxypropanediol المبردة. تم إثباته سريريًا وجلديًا للتوافق مع البشرة المصابة بالإكزيما لدى البالغين والأطفال والرضع من سن 3 أشهر

لتقليل مخاطر تهيج الجلد والحساسية، فإنه خالٍ من الكورتيزون وخالٍ من العطور وخالٍ من الصبغات وخالٍ من البارابين

الدراسات السريرية والجلدية

تثبت الدراسات السريرية والجلدية تحمل البشرة جيدًا للغاية على المرضى الذين يعانون من البشرة المصابة بالإكزيما

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Features & Compatibility

Product info

Eucerin AtopiControl Acute Care Cream

Eucerin’s new AtopiControl Acute Care Cream breaks the vicious circle of itchy flare-ups with soothing care. Its skin caring properties help reduce the use of hydrocortisone during flare-ups. A clinical study shows a comparable cosmetic effect of the skin caring properties of AtopiControl Acute Care Cream to the effects of a 1 % hydrocortisone cream on the complexion of atopic skin. AtopiControl Acute Care Cream is not a pharmaceutical product and is not meant to replace one.

Apply as often as needed on the affected areas to intensively care, calm and soothe skin. Eucerin AtopiControl Acute Care Cream is a unique complex which includes regenerating Omega-6- fatty acids (Evening Primrose Oil and Grape Seed Oil), soothing Licochalcone A (an extract from the licorice root), anti-bacterial Decandiol and cooling Menthoxypropanediol. It has been clinically and dermatologically proven for compatibility on atopic skin in adults, children and babies from the age of 3 months.

To minimise the risk of skin irritation and allergies, it is cortisone-free, fragrance-free, colourant-free and paraben-free.

Clinical and dermatological studies

Clinical and dermatological studies prove very good skin tolerability on patients with atopic skin.

How To Use



  • Apply as often as needed on the affected areas during flare-up.
  • Occasionally the feeling of coldness or slight stinging might be perceived.

Do’s and Dont’s

Use Eucerin AtopiControl Acute Care Cream if …

You have Atopic Dermatitis (also know as Atopic Eczema) and are looking for a cosmetic skin care product for use during a flare-up:


Eucerin AtopiControl Anti-Itch Care Spray can be used as an adjunctive care product to Eucerin AtopiControl Acute Care Cream.


Your child has Atopic Dermatitis and is over the age of three months and you are looking for a dermo-cosmetic product to alleviate some of their discomfort.


Eucerin AtopiControl Care Cream can be used as adjunctive care to Eucerin AtopiControl Acute Care Cream or in addition to a pharmaceutical product.


Try a different product if …

You have Atopic Dermatitis but are not experiencing a flare-up:


You may want to try Eucerin AtopiControl Body Lotion or Eucerin AtopiControl Face Care Cream.


You have dry skin but not Atopic Dermatitis:


If this is the case try Eucerin Complete Repair or the Eucerin Urea range.


Your child has Atopic Dermatitis and he or she is under the age of three months.





You have ever had a reaction to any of the ingredients.



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