Urea 15 % Idravitae Cream 100 ml

Urea (Carbamide)
Dry skin is often a result of a low level of urea, therefore it should be regularly supplemented. It is recommended especially for people who suffer from excessive drying of the skin or widespread thickened skin (keratosis) on elbows, knees and feet. Urea has antibacterial properties, reduces inflammation of the skin and is perfect for allergic and sensitive skin. Urea, in its higher concentrations, has an exfoliating effect so that it is able to remove dead skin cells.

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Urea (Carbamide)
Dry skin is often a result of a low level of urea, therefore it should be regularly supplemented. It is recommended especially for people who suffer from excessive drying of the skin or widespread thickened skin (keratosis) on elbows, knees and feet. Urea has antibacterial properties, reduces inflammation of the skin and is perfect for allergic and sensitive skin. Urea, in its higher concentrations, has an exfoliating effect so that it is able to remove dead skin cells.

اليوريا (كارباميد)
غالبًا ما يكون الجلد الجاف نتيجة لانخفاض مستوى اليوريا، لذلك يجب تناوله بانتظام. يوصى به بشكل خاص للأشخاص الذين يعانون من الجفاف المفرط للجلد أو الجلد السميك المنتشر (التقرن) في المرفقين والركبتين والقدمين. تتمتع اليوريا بخصائص مضادة للبكتيريا، وتقلل من التهاب الجلد وهي مثالية للبشرة الحساسة والحساسة. اليوريا بتركيزاتها العالية لها تأثير مقشر بحيث تكون قادرة على إزالة خلايا الجلد الميتة.

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