Eucerin AtopiControl Bath & Shower Oil

Daily-use showering and bath oil

Replenishes the skin barrier and protects it from drying out.

يستخدم يوميا الاستحمام وزيت الاستحمام

يجدد حاجز البشرة ويحميها من الجفاف

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Features & Compatibility

Eucerin AtopiControl Bath & Shower Oil

Eucerin AtopiControl Bath & Shower Oil gently cleanses and soothes atopic skin, relieves itching and prevents further dryness. Use daily, during flare-ups as well as inactive phases.

Containing over 50% Omega oils and other natural oils, its high oil content softens and protects skin from further dryness and relieves itching. Eucerin AtopiControl Bath & Shower Oil is applied to wet skin during daily showering or bathing and is suitable for adults, children and babies of three months or over. With babies, however, it should be used as a bath additive only.

To minimise the risk of skin irritation, Eucerin AtopiControl Bath & Shower Oil is fragrance-free, colourant-free and preservative-free.

Clinical and dermatological studies

Clinical and dermatological studies prove very good skin tolerability on patients with atopic skin.


Apply Eucerin AtopiControl Bath & Shower Oil to wet skin.
Gently massage and then rinse thoroughly. Gently pat the skin dry with a towel, taking care not to rub the skin.
Use for babies only as a bath additive.

زيت الاستحمام والدش Eucerin AtopiControl

ينظف زيت الاستحمام والدش Eucerin AtopiControl البشرة الأتوبية بلطف ويهدئها، ويخفف الحكة ويمنع المزيد من الجفاف. استخدميه يوميا أثناء النوبات وكذلك المراحل غير النشطة

الدراسات السريرية والجلدية

أثبتت الدراسات السريرية والجلدية قدرة تحمل جيدة جدا للبشرة على المرضى الذين يعانون من البشرة الأتوبية


ضعي زيت الاستحمام Eucerin AtopiControl Bath and Shower Oil على بشرة رطبة
دلكي بلطف ثم اشطفيه جيدا. جفف الجلد برفق بمنشفة ، مع الحرص على عدم فرك الجلد
استخدم للأطفال فقط كمضاف للاستحمام

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